Breastfeeding Photography, A Beautiful Way to Remember Early Motherhood


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Whether you choose to breastfeed or bottle feed, in those early weeks and months, a mother develops a special bond with her baby. Breastfeeding photography offers a way to commemorate those moments.

Breastfeeding photography, motherhood, Rapid City Photographer, Wandering Wilde Media

Why consider breastfeeding photography with your little one?

It’s easy. Like your wedding, breastfeeding is an experience that doesn’t last forever. For myself, I had always dreamed of making it a year with my first. Unfortunately, our journey came to an end around eight months. And I am so glad that we had a few photos from my branding session with Michele with One L to look back on!

Another thing that breastfeeding is like? A FULL-TIME job. That’s right. You may not really consider it, but breastfeeding is so time consuming. That doesn’t mean that moms aren’t enjoying the snuggles and the bond time, but it sometimes means that you are trapped where you are for an endless amount of time. Yes, maybe I am being a tad dramatic, but seriously it is a lot of work. And it helps you burn calories! According to Women’, you can burn as many as 600+ calories every day in addition to your other daily activities.

Colostrum, the first milk, contains special proteins.
Your brain releases hormones – prolactin + ocytocin.
The smell, taste, + color may change depending on what you eat and what the baby is needing for nutrients.

More fun facts
Breastfeeding photography, motherhood, Rapid City Photographer, Wandering Wilde Media

Breastfeeding photography sessions are a special way to remember the early memories you have with your little one. It won’t be long before they have their first words, their first steps. Before you know it, they’ll be walking towards a diploma and off to creating their own life. Honestly, I want to hold onto the little moments I have with my boys, so I know other moms do, too.

Let’s capture your bonding experience.

Breastfeeding, Bottle feeding, Inquire to get started! Let’s celebrate motherhood, together.

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