Ep. 22 – Wandering Wilde (with Marcus Heardt)


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Writer and avid hiker from Minnesota originally, Marcus Heardt has made his home in the Black Hills. Not only is he a very talented writer, Marcus has taken some beautiful nature and landscape images. 

In the episode, we talk about his journey and overview of the guide he authored – the third edition of Hiking the Black Hills Country.

Book acknowledgment:

Many individuals from the different public lands agencies and other organizations helped with the third edition of this book. Thank you to everyone who answered my questions and provided great insight.

I would like to thank: Sara Erickson, Samuel Ainsley, Benjamin Schumacher, Matthew Jurak, and Eric Carney from the various Black Hills National Forest ranger districts; Patty Ressler, Matthew White, Joanna Marshaus, and Andrea Fountain of the Black Hills Parks and Forests Association; Nickolos Myers and Joanne Ensley at Devils Tower National Monument; Tom Farrell from Wind Cave National Park; Connie Wolf at Badlands National Park; Bradley Block of Jewel Cave National Monument; Kobee Stalder of Custer State Park; Jim Jandreau, Bear Butte State Park; Tim Cowman, State of South Dakota Geologist; Mark Fahrenbach and Brian Fagnan of the South Dakota Department of Environment and Natural Resources; Jona Ohm, Strategic Communications Director for South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks; Curtis Price, Lecturer at the South Dakota School of Mines and Technology; LaRayne Woster, teacher at St. Joseph Indian School; William Welk of the Pennington County Highway Department; Jackie Wyatt, Vore Buffalo Jump; Marcus Lingl and LaDonna Droll from Vector; Martin and Lisa Freidel of Custer; the staff of the Hot Springs Public Library; Joe from Canyon Cab Company for picking me up at the end of the Centennial Trail; Danielle Billing of Twin Falls, Idaho; and Todd Tobin and Chris Hawkey for continued inspiration. If I have forgotten anyone, I am truly sorry.

This book would not have been possible without the guidance and support of Katherine O’Dell and David Legere from FalconGuides, who stuck by the project and believed in the importance of this revision even through a time of great difficulty in the world.

Where to buy it: Amazon, Barnes and Nobles, Books-a-Million, Indie Bound, Black Hills Parks And Forests Association, FalconGuides, Rowman and Littlefield Publishing Company, Walmart, and Target. It is also available at retail locations throughout the Black Hills as well such as Forest Service District Offices, Wind Cave Park Store, Jewel Cave Park Store, Devils Tower Park Store, so on… 

Stay tuned for more of his books and publications in the coming years or follow Marcus’ work online at marcusheardt.comor on LinkedIn.

Episode recorded on 07/30/2021 | Released on 08/15/2021
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